Friday, July 22, 2011

Technology Self-Assessment: School 2.0

I took a  20 question quiz on the School 2.0 website. I looked at my results and picked an area I thought I could learn more about using the  resource links the website provided and wrote a reflection.

 NETS-T Module: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

I investigated the resource "Grow Your Personal Learning Network" by David Warlick. This resource/link was inspiring because I felt this was the area I needed to be more successful in. Breaking down the types of PLNs into three main groups really outlined how beneficial engaging in your PLNs can be to your life and education. Technology has simplified ways to solving problems and answering questions to fully reach your goals. There is an endless amount of tools offered out there that are again simple to use and manage. PLNs connect us with each other with no barriers and connect us with content resources. I believe and have now experienced the proof that collaborating will give me the best results for whatever task is next on my list. With all the resources and tools available there is no reason for not getting out into your PLNs and excelling. 

Social bookmarking was the newest thing for me to learn about, I honestly had never even heard of it before. I'm so thankful I have discovered this concept that I am confidant will change the way I research and learn forever. I will no longer only turn to to search for information. Social bookmarking is a way to find exactly what your looking for and to find it faster with the organization and "tags" it offers. Instead of getting tons of websites in my average search that I have to spend hours looking through each one to see if it even has anything to do with what I'm looking for or if it is a reliable source, put simply someone has already done that for me through social bookmarking. Thank you PLNs for making my life engaging and successful.       

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